Compiled and Edited by Joaquin Stawsky
Momtaza Sayd Contributed to this Version of the Code
San Diego State University, August 2024
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, to_rgba
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from matplotlib.ticker import StrMethodFormatter
import os
styledict = {'xtick.labelsize':25,
def new_col_map(colors):
This function creates a new color map from a list of colors given
as a parameter. Recommended length of list of colors is at least 6.
first = np.repeat([to_rgba(colors[0])], 4, axis = 0)
last = np.repeat([to_rgba(colors[-1])], 4, axis = 0)
v = cm.get_cmap('viridis', 16*(len(colors)-2))
newcolors = v(np.linspace(0, 1, 16*(len(colors)-2)))
for (i, col) in enumerate(colors[1:-1]):
newcolors[16*i : 16*(i+1), :] = to_rgba(col)
return ListedColormap(np.append(np.append(first,newcolors, axis=0), last, axis=0))
# Load data
m19 = pd.read_csv("~/Desktop/RMathModel/data/moon_temp_snapshot_half_deg.txt", sep='\s+',header=None)
mapmat = np.array(m19.iloc[:,2]).reshape(720,360).T # '.T' transposes array
(360, 720)
lat1 = np.linspace(-89.75, 89.75, 360)
lon1 = np.linspace(-179.75, 179.75, 720)
# Arrays representing latitude and longitude of the moon.
# colors = ['blue', 'green','skyblue','yellow', 'orange', 'pink', 'red', 'maroon']
# myColMap = new_col_map(colors)
# A list of colors and new_col_map() to create a matplotlib color map.
mapmat[mapmat == mapmat.max()] = 400
mapmat[mapmat == mapmat.min()] = 0
# This is called logical indexing. It allows you to index into parts
# of an array where the given condition in the brackets is true, as
# opposed to numerical where it goes by index. Also, all numpy arrays
# have a max() and min() member that returns the greatest and smallest
# element in the array respectively.
clev = np.linspace(mapmat.min(), mapmat.max(), 60)
# The number of 'level curves' in the filled contour plot below.
contf = plt.contourf(lon1, lat1, mapmat, clev, cmap='jet')
# plt.contourf allows you to create a filled (color-coded) contour plot.
colbar = plt.colorbar(contf, drawedges=True, ticks=[0, 100, 200, 300, 400],
aspect = 10)'K',fontweight="bold", pad = 8)
# plt.colorbar uses an existing contourf handle (like contf) to create
# a colorbar corresponding to the contourf.
plt.title("Moon Surface Temperature Observed by\n"
"NASA Diviner, Snapshot 19",fontweight="bold", pad = 8)
# plt.gca().set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter(u"{x:.0f}°"))
# fig.yaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter(u"{x:.0f}°"))
# plt.text allows you to put text in your plot at the given coordinates,
# here its (205, 95). The coordinates used correspond to those defined
# by the x and y axes of the plot.
# plt.grid adds gridlines to the plot anchored at the same location as
# the ticks on the axes.
# plt.savefig lets you save the figure created with the given filename.
# plt.savefig("DivinerSurfaceTempMoon.jpg", bbox_inches='tight');
equ = np.where((lat1 < .5) & (lat1 > -.5))[0]
equatorial = mapmat[equ[0]]
# np.where accepts a logical expression on an array and returns an array
# of indices where that logical expression is true. That array can be
# used as non-consecutive indices in another array, similar to logical
# indexing.
merid = np.where((lon1 < 90.5) & (lon1 > 89.5))[0]
meridion = mapmat[:, merid[0]]
# changing figure size back to previously specified settings
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12,8)
#Figure 4.3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(12,12))
# This is an alternate way to create plots. ax is an array of plot
# handles of shape (2, 1), and fig is the handle for the whole figure.
ax[0].plot(lon1, equatorial, 'r-')
ax[0].text(-125, 250, "Nighttime", size=20)
ax[0].text(50, 250, "Daytime", size=20, color='orange')
# ax[0].xaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter(u"{x:.0f}°"))
# optional to add the degree symbol to the axis ticks
ax[0].set_ylabel("Temperature [K]",size=15)
ax[0].set_title("Moon's Equatorial Temperature at Snapshot 19",fontweight="bold");
# As ax is an array, ax[0] refers to it's first plot and ax[1] refers
# to it's second. The previously used member functions can be applied
# to each plot separately, as can be seen above and below.
ax[1].plot(lat1, meridion, 'r-')
ax[1].set_ylabel("Temperature [K]",size=15)
ax[1].set_title("Moon's Noon Time Meridional Temperature\n"
"at Snapshot 19",fontweight="bold");
# fig.tight_layout sets the spacing between plots in the figure.
# Compute the temperature of the bright side average
bt = np.array(m19.iloc[129600:].astype(float))
aw = np.cos(bt[:,1]*np.pi/180)
wbt = bt[:,2]*aw
bta = np.sum(wbt)/np.sum(aw)
print(f"Average temperature of bright side of moon: {bta:.4f} Kelvin")
Average temperature of bright side of moon: 302.7653 Kelvin
# Compute the temperature of the dark side average
print(f"Average temperature of dark side of moon: {dta:.4f} Kelvin")
Average temperature of dark side of moon: 99.5569 Kelvin
from scipy import optimize as opt
def ebm_maker(a, s, l, e, si, ka, t0, he):
This function accept a set of Energy Balance Model parameters
and returns a lambda function with those parameters as a function
of t.
return lambda t: (1-a)*s*np.cos(l) - e*si*(t**4) - ka*(t - t0)/he
lat = 0*(np.pi/180)
# Conversion from degrees to radians.
sigma = 5.670367e-8
alpha = 0.12
S = 1368
ep = 0.98
k = 7.4e-4
h = 0.4
T0 = 260
# These are the other parameters of the fEBM.
fEBM = ebm_maker(alpha, S, lat, ep, sigma, k, T0, h)
# This creates a lambda function can be used with root-finding
# techniques below.
res = opt.root(fEBM, x0=400)
x_root = res['x'][0]
print(f"Root of fEBM: x = {x_root}")
# opt.root takes a function and a starting guess and uses
# Newton's method to find a root of the function near a
# starting guess. The function itself returns a dictionary
# and the x value of that is what we want.
Root of fEBM: x = 383.629726096338
albedoF = lambda t: 0.5 - 0.2 *np.tanh((t-265)/10)
t = np.linspace(200, 350, 1001)
# albedoF lambda function of t. np.tanh is the hyperbolic
# tangent function.
# Figure 4.7
plt.plot(t, albedoF(t), 'k-')
# plt.ylim lets you set the bounds on the y axis manually. An x
# counterpart also exists: plt.xlim.
plt.xlabel("Earth's Surface Temperature [K]",size=20)
plt.ylabel(r"Albedo $\alpha$",size=20); # albedo is unitless
plt.title("Albedo as a Function of Surface Temperature",fontweight="bold")
plt.text(200, 0.73, "Ice-Covered Earth", color = 'blue', size = 20)
plt.text(315, 0.33, "Ice-Free Earth", color = 'red', size = 20)
# plt.savefig("AlbedoVsSurfaceTemp.jpg")
# Figure 4.8
S = 1365
ep = 0.6
sg = 5.670373e-8
y1 = (1-albedoF(t))*(S/4.0)
y2 = ep*sg*(t**4)
plt.plot(t, y2 - y1, 'm-',
label="Outgoing Energy - Incoming Energy")
plt.plot(t, y1, 'r-', label="Incoming Energy")
plt.plot(t, y2, 'b-', label="Outgoing Energy")
# Recall that the difference 'y2 - y1' is vectorized.
plt.axhline(y=0, alpha=.7, color='black')
# plt.axhline creates a horizontal line that spans the plot at
# the specified y value. y=0 means its the x-axis.
# legend places a legend for curves with labels in the plot.
# 'best' find the best location for it and places it there.
plt.title("Simple Nonlinear EBM with Albedo Feedback",fontweight="bold")
plt.xlabel("Temperature [K]",size=15)
plt.ylabel("Energy [W/m$^2$]",size=15)
# plt.savefig("EnergyBalancePlot.jpg")
# Precise values of these three numerical solutions
f = lambda s: ep*sg*s**4 - (1 - albedoF(s))*(S/4.0)
r1 = opt.bisect(f, 220, 240)
r2 = opt.bisect(f, 260, 275)
r3 = opt.bisect(f, 275, 295)
print(f"Root 1: {r1:3.3f}, root 2: {r2:3.3f}, root 3: {r3:3.3f}")
# opt.bisect uses a bisection method, so unlike opt.root you must
# provide an interval in which a root might exist. The roots are
# for the difference 'y2 - y1' above.
Root 1: 234.382, root 2: 264.338, root 3: 289.140