Compiled and Edited by Joaquin Stawsky
Momtaza Sayd Contributed to this Version of the Code
San Diego State University, August 2024
#import libaries
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import linregress
import statsmodels.api as sm
dat = pd.read_csv("/Users/momtaza/Desktop/RMathModel/data/LifeExpectancyWorldBank2018clean.csv", encoding='latin-1')
dat.iloc[:3, :5] # first 3 rows and first 5 columns
Country Name | Country Code | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | |
0 | Aruba | ABW | 65.662 | 66.074 | 66.444 |
1 | Afghanistan | AFG | 32.292 | 32.742 | 33.185 |
2 | Angola | AGO | 33.251 | 33.573 | 33.914 |
print(dat.shape) # dimensions of data frame
(264, 60)
dat.iloc[:5, 54:60] # data from 1960 to 2017, 58 years
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | |
0 | 75.299 | 75.440 | 75.582 | 75.725 | 75.867 | NaN |
1 | 62.086 | 62.494 | 62.895 | 63.288 | 63.673 | NaN |
2 | 59.770 | 60.373 | 60.858 | 61.241 | 61.547 | NaN |
3 | 77.389 | 77.702 | 77.963 | 78.174 | 78.345 | NaN |
4 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
print(np.where(dat == "France")[0]) # find the index at which "France" exists
dat.iloc[75:76, :5]
Country Name | Country Code | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | |
75 | France | FRA | 69.868293 | 70.117073 | 70.314634 |
yr = np.arange(1960, 1990) # create a sequence of years
le = dat.iloc[75, 2:32].astype(float)
1960 69.868293 1961 70.117073 1962 70.314634 1963 70.514634 1964 70.663415 1965 70.812195 1966 70.960976 1967 71.160976 1968 71.309756 1969 71.458537 1970 71.658537 1971 71.907317 1972 72.107317 1973 72.356098 1974 72.604878 1975 72.853659 1976 73.102439 1977 73.351220 1978 73.602439 1979 73.851220 1980 74.051220 1981 74.300000 1982 74.500000 1983 74.800000 1984 75.000000 1985 75.300000 1986 75.600000 1987 75.800000 1988 76.100000 1989 76.348780 Name: 75, dtype: float64
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(yr, le)
print('Linear Regression Model of (tmean ~ yrtime)', end="\n\n")
print("Slope:", slope)
print("Intercept:", intercept)
print("R-squared:", r_value**2)
print("p-value:", p_value)
print("Standard error:", std_err)
Linear Regression Model of (tmean ~ yrtime) Slope: 0.2232605333681867 Intercept: -367.948736143818 R-squared: 0.9941075368517732 p-value: 9.116707879997709e-33 Standard error: 0.0032483640585422463
plt.plot(yr, le, 'o', label='Original data', color='k',fillstyle='none')
plt.plot(yr, slope*yr + intercept, 'b', label='Fitted line')
plt.text(1960,76, 'Trend = 0.2233 per year', fontsize=14, color='blue')
plt.ylabel("Life Expectancy")
plt.title("Life Expectancy in France",fontweight='bold', fontsize=15)
import os
hdd = np.array([163, 228, 343, 373, 301, 238, 137, 84, 38, 15, 14, 34])
kwh = np.array([593, 676, 1335, 1149, 1127, 892, 538, 289, 172, 131, 134, 134])
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(hdd, kwh)
print('Linear Regression Model of (tmean ~ yrtime)', end="\n\n")
print("Slope:", slope)
print("Intercept:", intercept)
print("R-squared:", r_value**2)
print("p-value:", p_value)
print("Standard error:", std_err)
Linear Regression Model of (tmean ~ yrtime) Slope: 3.3170456352361266 Intercept: 53.50451582127528 R-squared: 0.966256476946198 p-value: 1.0920692264186638e-08 Standard error: 0.1960200291408819
plt.plot(hdd, kwh, 'o', label='Original data', color='k',fillstyle='none')
plt.plot(hdd, slope*hdd + intercept, 'r', label='Fitted line')
plt.xlabel("Climate Index Data: HDD")
plt.ylabel("Energy Index Data: kWh")
plt.title("Monthly Household Energy Consumption \nvs. Climate Data",fontweight='bold', fontsize=15)
plt.text(10,1275, 'Linear Model: kWh = 3.317HDD + 53.505', fontsize=13, color='red')
plt.text(100,1175, '$R^2$ = 0.9663', fontsize=13, color='red')
dtmean = pd.read_csv("/Users/momtaza/Desktop/RMathModel/data/gl_land_nohead.txt", header=None,sep='\s+')
0 | 1 | 2 | |
0 | 1880 | -0.41 | -99.99 |
1 | 1881 | -0.39 | -99.99 |
2 | 1882 | -0.30 | -0.40 |
3 | 1883 | -0.32 | -0.41 |
4 | 1884 | -0.60 | -0.46 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
131 | 2011 | 0.79 | 0.82 |
132 | 2012 | 0.78 | 0.84 |
133 | 2013 | 0.82 | 0.85 |
134 | 2014 | 0.88 | -99.99 |
135 | 2015 | 0.99 | -99.99 |
136 rows × 3 columns
dtmean.shape #shape of dataframe
(136, 3)
yrtime = dtmean[0] #Column 1 is time in Year
tmean = dtmean[1] #Column 2 is mean temp.
count 136.000000 mean 0.012426 std 0.401157 min -0.640000 25% -0.282500 50% -0.080000 75% 0.220000 max 0.990000 Name: 1, dtype: float64
count 136.000000 mean 1947.500000 std 39.403892 min 1880.000000 25% 1913.750000 50% 1947.500000 75% 1981.250000 max 2015.000000 Name: 0, dtype: float64
plt.boxplot(tmean, patch_artist=True,
boxprops = dict(facecolor = 'lightgrey'),
medianprops = dict(color = "black", linewidth = 1.5),
whiskerprops = dict(linestyle=':',linewidth=1.0,
plt.title("Land Temp. Anomalies",fontweight='bold')
plt.hist(tmean, bins = 9, edgecolor = "black",color="lightgrey")
plt.xlabel('Temp. Anomalies')
plt.title('Histogram: Land Temperature Anomalies',fontweight='bold')
0 -0.41 1 -0.39 2 -0.30 3 -0.32 4 -0.60 5 -0.46 6 -0.60 7 -0.64 8 -0.44 9 -0.20 10 -0.56 11 -0.59 12 -0.49 13 -0.51 14 -0.41 15 -0.33 16 -0.30 17 -0.22 18 -0.39 19 -0.32 20 -0.15 21 -0.14 22 -0.37 23 -0.43 24 -0.54 25 -0.37 26 -0.26 27 -0.55 28 -0.41 29 -0.43 30 -0.36 31 -0.38 32 -0.36 33 -0.34 34 -0.08 35 -0.07 36 -0.31 37 -0.52 38 -0.43 39 -0.19 40 -0.29 41 -0.17 42 -0.26 43 -0.28 44 -0.23 45 -0.26 46 -0.05 47 -0.19 48 -0.11 49 -0.34 50 -0.16 51 -0.09 52 -0.12 53 -0.24 54 -0.10 55 -0.22 56 -0.09 57 -0.00 58 0.07 59 -0.10 60 0.08 61 0.04 62 0.05 63 0.01 64 0.06 65 -0.08 66 -0.07 67 0.06 68 -0.09 69 -0.13 70 -0.23 71 -0.08 72 -0.02 73 0.07 74 -0.13 75 -0.11 76 -0.22 77 0.04 78 0.05 79 0.04 80 -0.02 81 0.08 82 0.01 83 0.01 84 -0.26 85 -0.17 86 -0.07 87 -0.02 88 -0.10 89 0.01 90 0.07 91 -0.08 92 -0.03 93 0.22 94 -0.04 95 0.02 96 -0.17 97 0.21 98 0.14 99 0.20 100 0.34 101 0.44 102 0.13 103 0.39 104 0.22 105 0.20 106 0.24 107 0.40 108 0.49 109 0.38 110 0.52 111 0.52 112 0.23 113 0.27 114 0.37 115 0.56 116 0.47 117 0.53 118 0.84 119 0.60 120 0.57 121 0.68 122 0.79 123 0.77 124 0.68 125 0.87 126 0.77 127 0.85 128 0.65 129 0.79 130 0.92 131 0.79 132 0.78 133 0.82 134 0.88 135 0.99
0 1880 1 1881 2 1882 3 1883 4 1884 5 1885 6 1886 7 1887 8 1888 9 1889 10 1890 11 1891 12 1892 13 1893 14 1894 15 1895 16 1896 17 1897 18 1898 19 1899 20 1900 21 1901 22 1902 23 1903 24 1904 25 1905 26 1906 27 1907 28 1908 29 1909 30 1910 31 1911 32 1912 33 1913 34 1914 35 1915 36 1916 37 1917 38 1918 39 1919 40 1920 41 1921 42 1922 43 1923 44 1924 45 1925 46 1926 47 1927 48 1928 49 1929 50 1930 51 1931 52 1932 53 1933 54 1934 55 1935 56 1936 57 1937 58 1938 59 1939 60 1940 61 1941 62 1942 63 1943 64 1944 65 1945 66 1946 67 1947 68 1948 69 1949 70 1950 71 1951 72 1952 73 1953 74 1954 75 1955 76 1956 77 1957 78 1958 79 1959 80 1960 81 1961 82 1962 83 1963 84 1964 85 1965 86 1966 87 1967 88 1968 89 1969 90 1970 91 1971 92 1972 93 1973 94 1974 95 1975 96 1976 97 1977 98 1978 99 1979 100 1980 101 1981 102 1982 103 1983 104 1984 105 1985 106 1986 107 1987 108 1988 109 1989 110 1990 111 1991 112 1992 113 1993 114 1994 115 1995 116 1996 117 1997 118 1998 119 1999 120 2000 121 2001 122 2002 123 2003 124 2004 125 2005 126 2006 127 2007 128 2008 129 2009 130 2010 131 2011 132 2012 133 2013 134 2014 135 2015
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(yrtime, tmean)
print('Linear Regression Model of (tmean ~ yrtime)', end="\n\n")
print("Slope:", slope)
print("Intercept:", intercept)
print("R-squared:", r_value**2)
print("p-value:", p_value)
print("Standard error:", std_err, end="\n\n\n")
Linear Regression Model of (tmean ~ yrtime) Slope: 0.009222961690759028 Intercept: -17.949291422164972 R-squared: 0.8207124808669551 p-value: 7.372943495071916e-52 Standard error: 0.00037238957585060764
model = sm.OLS(tmean, sm.add_constant(yrtime)).fit()
OLS Regression Results ============================================================================== Dep. Variable: 1 R-squared: 0.821 Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.819 Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 613.4 Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2024 Prob (F-statistic): 7.37e-52 Time: 16:36:07 Log-Likelihood: 48.625 No. Observations: 136 AIC: -93.25 Df Residuals: 134 BIC: -87.42 Df Model: 1 Covariance Type: nonrobust ============================================================================== coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const -17.9493 0.725 -24.745 0.000 -19.384 -16.515 0 0.0092 0.000 24.767 0.000 0.008 0.010 ============================================================================== Omnibus: 0.499 Durbin-Watson: 0.700 Prob(Omnibus): 0.779 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.636 Skew: -0.040 Prob(JB): 0.728 Kurtosis: 2.675 Cond. No. 9.66e+04 ============================================================================== Notes: [1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified. [2] The condition number is large, 9.66e+04. This might indicate that there are strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
plt.plot(yrtime, tmean, 'o-', color='k',fillstyle='none',linewidth=.6)
plt.plot(yrtime, model.predict(sm.add_constant(yrtime)), 'r')
plt.ylabel("Land Temperature Anomalies")
plt.title("Global Annual Mean Land Surface Air Temperature",fontweight='bold',fontsize=12)
plt.text(1880,.9,"Linear Temp. Trend = 0.88 °C per century",color='red',fontsize=11)
print(model.resid.to_string()) #shows the values of all the residuals
0 0.200123 1 0.210900 2 0.291678 3 0.262455 4 -0.026768 5 0.104009 6 -0.045214 7 -0.094437 8 0.096340 9 0.327117 10 -0.042106 11 -0.081329 12 0.009448 13 -0.019775 14 0.071002 15 0.141779 16 0.162556 17 0.233333 18 0.054110 19 0.114887 20 0.275664 21 0.276441 22 0.037218 23 -0.032005 24 -0.151228 25 0.009549 26 0.110326 27 -0.188897 28 -0.058119 29 -0.087342 30 -0.026565 31 -0.055788 32 -0.045011 33 -0.034234 34 0.216543 35 0.217320 36 -0.031903 37 -0.251126 38 -0.170349 39 0.060428 40 -0.048795 41 0.061982 42 -0.037241 43 -0.066464 44 -0.025687 45 -0.064910 46 0.135867 47 -0.013356 48 0.057421 49 -0.181802 50 -0.011025 51 0.049752 52 0.010529 53 -0.118694 54 0.012084 55 -0.117139 56 0.003638 57 0.084415 58 0.145192 59 -0.034031 60 0.136746 61 0.087523 62 0.088300 63 0.039077 64 0.079854 65 -0.069369 66 -0.068592 67 0.052185 68 -0.107038 69 -0.156261 70 -0.265484 71 -0.124707 72 -0.073930 73 0.006847 74 -0.202376 75 -0.191599 76 -0.310822 77 -0.060045 78 -0.059268 79 -0.078491 80 -0.147713 81 -0.056936 82 -0.136159 83 -0.145382 84 -0.424605 85 -0.343828 86 -0.253051 87 -0.212274 88 -0.301497 89 -0.200720 90 -0.149943 91 -0.309166 92 -0.268389 93 -0.027612 94 -0.296835 95 -0.246058 96 -0.445281 97 -0.074504 98 -0.153727 99 -0.102950 100 0.027827 101 0.118604 102 -0.200619 103 0.050158 104 -0.129065 105 -0.158288 106 -0.127510 107 0.023267 108 0.104044 109 -0.015179 110 0.115598 111 0.106375 112 -0.192848 113 -0.162071 114 -0.071294 115 0.109483 116 0.010260 117 0.061037 118 0.361814 119 0.112591 120 0.073368 121 0.174145 122 0.274922 123 0.245699 124 0.146476 125 0.327253 126 0.218030 127 0.288807 128 0.079584 129 0.210361 130 0.331138 131 0.191915 132 0.172693 133 0.203470 134 0.254247 135 0.355024
#Residual standard error, approximately the SD of residuals
#Hansen's data analysis
dtmean = pd.read_csv("/Users/momtaza/Desktop/RMathModel/data/gl_land_oceanHansen.txt",sep='\s+')
['Year', 'Anomaly', 'mean']
dtmean.describe() #statistical summary
Year | Anomaly | mean | |
count | 135.000000 | 135.000000 | 135.000000 |
mean | 1947.000000 | 0.011852 | -2.213259 |
std | 39.115214 | 0.306782 | 14.798143 |
min | 1880.000000 | -0.470000 | -99.990000 |
25% | 1913.500000 | -0.210000 | -0.235000 |
50% | 1947.000000 | -0.080000 | -0.060000 |
75% | 1980.500000 | 0.175000 | 0.185000 |
max | 2014.000000 | 0.740000 | 0.690000 |
plt.boxplot(dtmean['Anomaly'], patch_artist=True,
boxprops = dict(facecolor = 'lightgrey'),
medianprops = dict(color = "black", linewidth = 1.5),
whiskerprops = dict(linestyle=':',linewidth=1.0,
plt.title("Boxplot of Hansen's Global Temp. Data 1880-2014",fontweight='bold')
plt.ylabel("Temp. [°C]")
plt.hist(dtmean['Anomaly'], bins=[-0.5 + 0.1*i for i in range(14)],
edgecolor = "black",color="lightgrey")
plt.title("Histogram of Hansen's Global Temp.",fontweight='bold')
plt.xlabel("Temp. Anomaly [°C]")
# Linear regression models
y18802014 = dtmean['Anomaly']
x18802014 = np.arange(1880, 2015) #not upper boundary inclusive
plt.plot(x18802014, y18802014, 'o-', color='k',fillstyle='none',linewidth=.6)
slope, intercept, _, _, _ = linregress(x18802014, y18802014)
plt.plot(x18802014, slope*x18802014 + intercept, 'r', linewidth=1.8)
plt.text(1880,.7,"1880-2014 Trend = 0.68 °C per century",color='red',fontsize=11)
#Linear regression for the first 31 years
y18801910 = dtmean['Anomaly'][1:32]
x18801910 = np.arange(1880, 1911)
slope2, intercept2, _, _, _ = linregress(x18801910, y18801910)
plt.plot(x18801910, slope2*x18801910 + intercept2, 'blue', linewidth=1.8)
plt.text(1880,.3,"1880-1910 Trend = -0.60 °C per century",color='blue',fontsize=11)
#Linear regression for the first 71 years
y18801950 = dtmean['Anomaly'][1:72]
x18801950 = np.arange(1880, 1951)
slope3, intercept3, _, _, _ = linregress(x18801950, y18801950)
plt.plot(x18801950, slope3*x18801950 + intercept3, 'green', linewidth=1.8)
plt.text(1880,.4,"1880-1950 Trend = 0.37 °C per century",color='green',fontsize=11)
#Linear regression for the first 96 years
y18801975 = dtmean['Anomaly'][1:97]
x18801975 = np.arange(1880, 1976)
slope4, intercept4, _, _, _ = linregress(x18801975, y18801975)
plt.plot(x18801975, slope4*x18801975 + intercept4, 'black', linewidth=1.8)
plt.text(1880,.5,"1880-1975 Trend = 0.36 °C per century",color='black',fontsize=11)
#Linear regression for the first 121 years
y18802000 = dtmean['Anomaly'][1:122]
x18802000 = np.arange(1880, 2001)
slope5, intercept5, _, _, _ = linregress(x18802000, y18802000)
plt.plot(x18802000, slope5*x18802000 + intercept5, 'purple', linewidth=1.8)
plt.text(1880,.6,"1880-2000 Trend = 0.55 °C per century",color='purple',fontsize=11)
plt.ylabel("Temperature Anomalies [°C]")
plt.title("Global Annual Mean Surface Air Temp.: Hansen Data",fontweight='bold',fontsize=12)